Friday, November 9, 2007

What an incredible, wonderful, exciting, tiring day! Our last day of distribution, today, was to have been finished at 11:30am...then 12:30pm...then.....well, while some of us got back to the guesthouse around 2:30, some of us are still at the distribution site!

Today's miracles were evident to all. We had a limited supply of wheelchairs (to those of you who know about chairs....mostly standard, no footrests) and, of course, no limit in the size or severity of the person receiving the chairs. This situation put my faith to the test. How were we going to adapt the chairs in so little time, to the person's needs.

Not to worry! God showed up in His might! We didn't have to do major overhauls on the chairs, footrests showed up where we counted none last night, and all people were serviced well. That is just the physical side of things.

Spiritually??? need to return in order to read the "rest of the story".

Now we are on our way to a team fiesta with our Peruvian hosts!

CU soon,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I eagerly await the rest of the story