Thursday, November 15, 2007

A Tale of Two Travelers- Part 3

The WFTW Trujillo team and boxes containing the three-wheeler (Sanctus 358i) traveled to Trujillo on Saturday, 11/3, without complications or additional fees. I so appreciated the support given by our team members as we made our way to our final destination. In Trujillo, we received warm greetings by our friends from Corazones Unidos. Sanctus 358i was hoisted atop the van as the welcoming praise band played the music of the Andes I had come to love last year.

One of the wonderful surprises God had for us on this trip was Malu, the Peruvian physical therapist from Lima. With her professional skill and big smile, she quickly became an integral team member. She assisted me in assembling the three-wheeler and was among the first to ride it in Peru.

Sanctus 358i was presented to Corazones Unidos/ Trujillo at the opening ceremony on Tuesday. As time permitted throughout the rest of the week, various team members (both Peruvian and American) had fun trying the three-wheeler. I especially enjoyed watching Ricardo, a Peruvian mechanic who is disabled, transfer with ease and pedal around exclaiming “Esta bien!”

We pray that God will use this three-wheeler for His glory in Trujillo.
-Nancy/ Isaiah 35:8

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